

While Go-Web does not dictate which technology developers should use when building applications consuming APIs made with this Go-Web framework, it does provide foundations for building apps by suggesting the use of React and Redux.

Front-end assets and files can be found in folder 〈go-web〉/assets

Specifically, the structure of the assets folder is simple and contains following sub folders:

  • js
    • contains JavaScript files used by the front-end application;

  • css
    • contains JavaScript files used by the front-end application;

  • view
    • contains HTML views

Because Go-Web suggests using React and Redux, developers who want to use this stack must install appropriate tools on the development machine, like NodeJS and NPM ; this document will not cover React, Redux or other front-end related topics other than few “basic” concepts. For instance, the core single page application can be installed by running command

npm install


Views are implemented by package http/template; Go-Web provides a simple helper to return a view from a controller, as reported in following example:

func (c *ViewController) Main() {
    helper.View("index.html", c.Response, nil)

Helper function View accepts three parameters:

  • the view’s path

  • the HTTP response returned by the controller

  • the interface used to “fill” the view