Asynchronous jobs

Go-web allows developers to create and schedule asynchronous jobs that will be dispatched in a queue.

Like controllers, models and other entities, a job can be created with the CLI by running command:

./goweb job:create <job name>

Go-Web uses Redis to manage queues and developers can handle jobs with functions Schedule and Execute.

The following listing illustrates an example of a Go-Web job:

data := job.MailStruct {
    Message: "Hello world",
    To: []string { "", "" },

payload, _ := json.Marshal(data) j := job.Job {
    Name: "Send email"
    MethodName: "Mail"
    Params: job.Param { Name: "message", Payload: string(payload), Type: "int" },

j.Schedule("default", c.Redis)

Once scheduled, a job can be run with CLI command:

./goweb queue:run <queue name>

The default queue can be run with command:

./goweb queue:run default