CLI Interface

Go-Web has a built-in command-line interface that makes easy for developers to use the framework. Before using the CLI, the developer needs to compile the project by running command: go build goweb.go

After compiling the project, the CLI can be used to view all commands supported by Go-Web ./goweb show:commands

The following listing table shows commands presented to the user by show:command:

Alfred available commands



database:seed <model_name>

Executes seeder (all available models if is not specified)


Shows all custom CLI commands


Run Go-Web server normally

Create custom commands

Go-Web command line interface (CLI) can be extended by running command

alfred -mCMD <command_name>

Before being available to Go-Web, commands must be registered in register.go. The following listing shows the registration of command Greetings:


Command must be registered in the register.go file located in project root directory.

Commands = gwf.CommandRegister{
        List: map[string]interface{}{
                "queue:failed": &console.QueueFailed{},
                "queue:run":    &console.QueueRun{},
                "greetings":    &console.Greetings{}, // new
                // Here is where you've to register your custom commands

The command registration Commands variable is used by Go-Web to recognize and list supported commands.